Half A Million People Killed In Deadliest Weather Disasters Since 2004

Half A Million People Killed In Deadliest Weather Disasters Since 2004

The Deadliest Tsunamis in History

More than half a million people were killed in 10 disasters that climate change worsened, according to a new report. Rescue workers escorted a stranded couple to safety from their damaged home. The team analysed the ten deadliest weather events in the international disaster database since 2004. Almost half a million people have died in natural disasters linked to extreme weather events in the last 20 years, according to a new assessment of the direct threat posed. Over the past five decades, disasters related to weather, climate or water hazards, have become a regular occurrence, responsible for the deaths of at least 115 people, and causing $202.

Interactive: Natural Disasters Around the World Since 1900

World's deadliest weather disasters named by United Nations

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